ASDRENI, Oath to the Flag

Oath to the Flag
(The Albanian National Anthem)

Around our flag we are united,
With but one will and one desire,
A sacred oath are now proclaiming
For our salvation to aspire,
May only those avoid the struggle,
Those who are traitors to our laws,
Undaunted is a hero through and through,
He dies a martyr to the cause.

With weapons in our hands a-brandished,
We will defend our fatherland,
Our sacred rights we?ll not relinquish,
The foe has no place in our land,
For God has told the world, proclaiming:
The nations of the earth shall wane,
And yet will live, will thrive Albania.
For her our fight won?t be in vain.

Our flag, our nation?s sacred symbol,
We swear an oath to your fair name,
Defend our country, our Albania,
Protect her honour and her fame,
Our praise goes to those mighty heroes
Who in our nation?s past did fall,
Their memory will be cherished evermore,
In life and death will they live all.

[Asdreni, Betimi mi flamur, 1907, from the volume ?ndrra e lot? (Bucharest: Gutenberg, 1912). Translated from the Albanian by Robert Elsie. ]

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